Early this morning we had a visitor that normally come every year he had a doc about a little boy who helped a homeless man. Who was crying next to a shop the boy asked him what happen to him then the homeless man said that. He lost his job he and got kicked out of his house and his wife left him and he has no money and no food so. This little boy gave him his lunch and his lunch money then he went back to school.He keep on giving. Food to the homeless man and one day the homeless man was walking with the little boy to there. School and the old man said to his teacher that he was being nice to him and gave him food then the teacher. Couldn't believe it then the principal gave him a golden certificate that normally given once a year. To people who is being nice to people so he got the certificate and then this Visitor said that he. Called this boys mum and he said if he can take this little boy to Christchurch and his mum said yes so. This visitors said to the little boys where is he going then the boy said that he is going to butterfly creek. And the visitor said it more cooler then that then the visitor said do a another quest then he said that he. Is going to meet a famous man then the visitor said no you a going to be famous then the visitor. Said that they a going to fly to Christchurch and he was so happy because he never been on airplane before. When the plane was going to launch he was excited so him and some of the visitors crew went with around Christchurch.
I really want to be the same as this boy because he helps people and give people there lunch money and there food so that really cool as a kid because when every you give you get something much bigger then money you will be known by and that person that you help will never forget what you did for them.So when ever you see a homeless person crying go and help out to him you will never know when someone watching if you do a good thing or a bad thing you will never know like this little boy he didn't know that he was going to go to Christchurch or even get famous.Just be like William and help people out it doesn't mean if you don't have enough money or enough lunch just give some of them to the homeless people because you will be blessed by god what you did to that person and that person you gave your lunch he won't for get.
I hope you enjoy (-: (-:
Hi Lanzie,
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed reading your post...
You remembered a lot from my talk today...that's awesome!
Look out for opportunities to help others and be a "giver."
Also, I like the background of your page is US currency.
ReplyDeleteDid you know that American notes are all the same colour?
Thank you for commenting my blog i hope you really enjoyed reading my post.
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