Tuesday, 5 December 2017
Lanzie Guy Fawkes
Hi my name is Lanzie and i am in room 4 for reading and writing i love doing guy Fawkes with my family because it's is a lots of fun.Please read it carefully you might learn something from this presentation. I hope you Enjoy (:
Wednesday, 22 November 2017
Monday, 20 November 2017
Lanzie Math Problems
I really really enjoyed doing this math work because it is easy the only thing that was hard is doing the Sudoku.
Athlete DAY!!!!!!!!!!!
On the 10th of november we had Athletic day.as we gather together
On the court as we all sat down mr burt had a talk to us about do your best.when mr burt was finished we all went in a group for our first activity.
The Year 8 head of to discuss we all sat down on the grass and listen to Mr somerville said if you want to do it for fun you can go to the left side but if you want to got to the eastern zone you can stay here with me.
As each team completed each activity it was time for dodgeball.This was one of my highlight for the day.Hine moana had some wining against Hikianalia and Hokulea Hine moana had some great shoot.It was a great game that Hikianalia put up against Hine Moana Hokulea won their game against Te Aurere and moved on to the finals against Hine Moana.First it was the final.Hine Moana and Hokule’a battled it out and Hine Moana came out on to.
It was out last activity that we had the 100 meter race.This is one of my main activity of athletic.As everyone lined up behind the starting line one by one they sat down in front or behind a person. I sat down on the 2nd lane with 8 other people.Mr Burt was waiting for us to stand up to race.It had started calling it out Ready Set GOO!! We took of and sprinted down the track and i ended up coming 3nd behind Evan and TJ.
As athletic was coming to an end.It was day to remember since it was the last time the year 8s would have athletic for pt england school.Memories were made as everyone enjoyed himself and had fun with each other.
Monday, 6 November 2017
Lanzie hard work
Hi my name is Lanzie and W.A.L.T Finding facts it was pretty hard to find out what to do because you just read the book and you have to find out more info so i hope you enjoy and please leave a comment
Friday, 3 November 2017
Sea turtles
Sea turtles live for about 80 years and they always buried their eggs into a sand so they can protect the eggs from eagles sharks and they might get wash out from the sea.When they are born they go to the sea and they see what the earth looks like and they will get use to it so they can protect them self without their mum Defending them. So the female can lay eggs about 50 or 200 eggs and then she covered them from sea eagles and dog and shark and it takes about six weeks that the eggs will hatch and 50 percent of them didn’t hatch and the other 50 percent hatch and they want to go around and see how it feels like to swim around.
So When they hatch the have to take time to grow up as to an adult so shark and dogs can’t eat the and the sheals are really really hard to bite and it will break. Their teeth into are little piece but they have to wait for 20 years to be an adult it is like human when you are born you're not one yet but you have to wait. And you will be 1 years old so it is life so when you a 20 years old you can do anything you want because nobody will come and harm you and it will be the same as the turtle.
They live for 80 years but the can lay eggs for 20 years so they can live more longer as human but only if human a healthy the can live for 80 years but when the live for 80 years they can do something like just swimming around and enjoy it so they might die so the can hang out with friends but when they die they buried them.
So hundred of them might die from shark and they a really good to get but they only wait when it is dark cause they born to know what to do and the people turn of the light so the turtle might go to the road but not the sea so they turn of the street light and let the moon come out and so where is the sea.I hope you enjoy my turtle story.
Kindly Regards
Wednesday, 1 November 2017
A+I=M for success

I really want to be the same as this boy because he helps people and give people there lunch money and there food so that really cool as a kid because when every you give you get something much bigger then money you will be known by and that person that you help will never forget what you did for them.So when ever you see a homeless person crying go and help out to him you will never know when someone watching if you do a good thing or a bad thing you will never know like this little boy he didn't know that he was going to go to Christchurch or even get famous.Just be like William and help people out it doesn't mean if you don't have enough money or enough lunch just give some of them to the homeless people because you will be blessed by god what you did to that person and that person you gave your lunch he won't for get.
I hope you enjoy (-: (-:
Friday, 27 October 2017
Musical Madness
W.A.L.T Know different parts of the Instruments i didn't know that every Instruments have family like the string family or even the drum family.I want to learn how to play the flute because it sound like peace full for people. There is a link for each slide of YouTube video like this image but if you need some help to find it please follow the Instruction to get there or Just follow the image on the bottom.
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
Catching Flounder
Early this morning 12 student from team 5 got the chance to go with Mr Vogt and catch some Flounder for the tank.While they were setting up to catch the flounder the rest of the school were have a Assembly outside the courts.The year 1 & 5 was at the front and the year 7 & 8 was at the back of the line.Then Mr Burt said that he. Need Hendrix , Judah and Cameo to come and lead the Karkia after we finished the Karkia. Mr Burt explain to us what we do if we a walking down the street the first thing was that you can't touch the fence the 2 thing. Was that you can't play with the tree or hanging on it so the other thing that he said was to walk. As a pt Englander to the reserve after a few second Mr Burt said that he will be at the front and Miss Nua. Will be at the back with the Yr 7 & 8 so we stared to walk down the street when we were walking. Down the street i saw one whole class waited to cross the road and then the other class did the same thing. The didn't go the same time they were giving way to the cars.When we got there the Yr 1 & 5 was. At the front and the Yr 6 & 8 was at the back when all of the school was there Mr Burt said that we had. To sing a Waiata for the 12 people who went so the can get some Flounder After that Mr Burt said. That we have to beat Kodi flat school because they had 4 Flounder so he said if we get 5 or 6 Flounder. We beat them so it was kind of a game against Kodi Flat after mini while Mr Burt said to us that the Yr 7 & 8. Get to go back to school so room 5 went first and then it went to room 4 and the our class when we were. Walking back to school me and junior and David was talking about basketball players but. When we got to our class Mr Wiseman said to take of a shoes because we are in the street so we all did and. He said to sit on the street because Miss Telea wanted to talk to us After that Miss Telea said that we have to get our netbook and write about what happen about it.
I hope you enjoy reading about Catching Flounder.
I hope you enjoy reading about Catching Flounder.
Friday, 22 September 2017
Lanzie Filim festival
Hi My name is Lanzie and i join in the film festival in room 2.The video is about Basketball one team is called the opp team and the other team is called the misfits and the team who really good is the cool kids that the team that i chose. The first thing that we did was to watch the film and to get some ideas after that Miss Tapuke said that the Cool kids and the Misfits have to vs each other so we all got change into our PE t.shirt.After that we all have to sit in a line of 2 After that we went out to the basketball court and play basketball There was some girls in it as well so we started playing nobody got a goal yet all of us started to miss then Miss Tapuke Said if i say Freeze you have to freeze on the spot so that if a person who shot that can take there time so we all freeze the person who took the shot was Shealeis she was in the Misfits she shot it and she got it in so Miss Tapuke said okay play on and we did play on when angel passed the ball to Lanzie He took the shot and it got it in and Miss Tapuke said that all for today so we all went back to class and got change to watch the P.E.N.N.
I hope you enjoy and please live a comment.
I hope you enjoy and please live a comment.
Monday, 28 August 2017
The finals speech
On Friday there was a team 5 speech finals everyone had sit down in to straight lines in the street.The number of student that had to present at the speech finals there was 15 student who need to present they need 3 people in each class. My favorite speech was Mubs his speech was about being the president he said that if he had to be the president for on day he would make everything for free and there would be no payment at all i like his speech because he speak in loud voice and he made people laugh when it was almost finish he said thank you thank you for your time and took a bell and we all clap.This is some of the image on the speech.
Wednesday, 23 August 2017
Tuesday, 22 August 2017
Tech making a car
I finally finished my car for my little brother it took sometime to make it but MR Grundy was there for me to make it but when i was drawing the window it was hard i have to make it great but you can see the window it is a little bit cricked but do you know what i love it i am proud of my self i can't wait to give it to my little brother.
i hope you enjoy
Monday, 21 August 2017
Lanzie i wonder
Lanzie i wonder from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
I really really enjoy doing this but it is going to be my last time because if i go to college i would not do this kind of stuff i would miss it i hope you enjoy.
I really really enjoy doing this but it is going to be my last time because if i go to college i would not do this kind of stuff i would miss it i hope you enjoy.
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
Convert between Different metric Lengths
This week we are learning to do metric and length some of the were easy but when it went to measure your self it was a lot harder but likely i had Junior with me to do it when we finish we were so happy.After that we went to Miss Tapuke and tell her that we were finish then Miss Tapuke said to post it to my Blog then me and Junior went on to our Chromebook and do it i hope you enjoy it.
Thursday, 3 August 2017
Lanzie 24 hour Foot print
Hi My name is Lanzie. I made this post because people will know about foot print. We have finally know that people can see what we are doing so do not put something that you are not proud of if you do you will never ever get a job that you really really want.
Wednesday, 2 August 2017
Ten in Numbers
Last week we did a presentation we had to find out group of tens.As you can see that i answer all of the question in each slide. My favorite slide was when we had to create our own one.Enjoy
Monday, 3 July 2017
Thursday, 22 June 2017
Inquiry It is so cool to be in a group
First we have to sit on the mat for Mr Wiseman rules and he sent us to a table so we can work on our wood first we have to measure the wood about 30 centimeter and then we have to check it again if it is right we can start cutting but Mr Wiseman teach us how to cut it but i said i can not do it because i have a feeling that i will destroy it so i just let it to the others to do the work but one of the person have to blow the dust so we know the we a cutting in the right line after that we have to cut the 40 centimeter after that Mr Wiseman told us to bring the sore because the girls need it so he got another sore so it was a little sharp so we started cutting it when it was finish Mr Wiseman said great work he said you are done for today go and finish of your Thinking Diary.
I hope you enjoy
Wednesday, 21 June 2017
Thursday, 15 June 2017
Place value
W.A.L.T do number sequence and order but i need to work on place value but my goal is to learn all of my place value. That is my goal and when i am finish i will keep on doing it of my heart . I am going to improve place value and just keep on learning it until i learn it all .
The first thing what i did was we have to do the ikan test but Mrs Tapuke said that we can do the 2knd time. But it is normally the first time it was much easier because i can do it again so i can just take my time. but the next day we have to mark out test Mrs Tapuke told us to mark it after. Mrs Tapuke told us to write something to do with you learning then you have to put it to your blog.
It was much easier i like doing my math i hope you enjoy
The first thing what i did was we have to do the ikan test but Mrs Tapuke said that we can do the 2knd time. But it is normally the first time it was much easier because i can do it again so i can just take my time. but the next day we have to mark out test Mrs Tapuke told us to mark it after. Mrs Tapuke told us to write something to do with you learning then you have to put it to your blog.
It was much easier i like doing my math i hope you enjoy
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
Lanzie Unuseless Inventions 2
Hi my name is Lanzie i like doing reading work because it is easy for me but the only thing was that this was a little hard for me but the only thing was that i was siting buy my self but not next to my friend it was much easier when i was siting next to a girl and i get my work done and it is always are A+ so that mean i can do it even if it is hard. I hope you enjoy and please leave a comment in my blog
Wednesday, 7 June 2017
Lanzie healing Honey
Hi my name is Lanzie WALT: Find and summaries key information in a text it was pretty easy for me because i was sitting in a good spot that i can not talk to my buddy i learn how do bees make honey and how they do there hard work into it.It is the same as human but not when they die i had more information about it now i know why should i don't killed bees i hope you enjoy
Wednesday, 31 May 2017
The giant went missing
THE giant went missing
March the 31th the giant went missing but we didn’t know if it was a kidnap or he was dead but they said that they didn’t got information from there earpiece and they said that it is a very very bad news and the giant.
Mother is crying and it is raining from her tears and we need to find the giant before the earth will get destroyed by the mother and she said why why why and they said that they got a person who saw the giant.
he said that he was not kid napp he ran away from her mum crying and he was try to stop the giant but he just push him away and said get lost but when they said where did the giant went the person said that he.
Went to town and he was just busting everything that coming his way but when her mother heard that he ran away she said i know where he is he is in my tree house it in town in 2/25 crorean Rd and the police.
Said fast fast fast we need to go when they got there they saw a big big bean and when the police climbed up he saw him crying and the police said that he found him and when he said to the giant you.
Said fast fast fast we need to go when they got there they saw a big big bean and when the police climbed up he saw him crying and the police said that he found him and when he said to the giant you.
Will be okay what happen then the giant said none of your business and he said okay it not but your mum is crying because of you what did you ran away he said that his dad didn’t want to talk to him.
He doesn't like to hear that and the police said where is your dad and the giant said at NEW ZEALAND and he said we a in NEW ZEALAND and he said in the other side but he doesn't know where.
Is he so the police said it is okay come to your mum so she know that you a okay then the giant said okay move back i can jump as far as i want then the police said okay go to your mum and we will follow you okay and the giant said okay then so when
W.A.L.T: Do quick write i was the one who did jack and the bean storm that what write it is a cool story to read and to watch it hook me up to write a story of them my goal is that two make thing correct and right even if it is going to be hard for me i hope you enjoy reading my story and please leave a comment i hope you enjoy. ( ͡° ͜Ę ͡°)
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
Lanzie Solve Word Problems
I was learning how to do World problem but it was a little hard for me but i had a little help from a friend and that how i was getting good at it but the only thing is that i don't really understand what do i need to know but it is okay i am still leraing i hope you enjoy and i hope you leave a comment.
Tuesday, 11 April 2017
Lanzie writing
THE giant went missing
March the 31th the giant went missing but we didn’t know if it was a kidnap or he was dead but they said that they didn’t got information from there earpiece and they said that it is a very very bad news and the giant.
Mother is crying and it is raining from her tears and we need to find the giant before the earth will get destroyed by the mother and she said why why why and they said that they got a person who saw the giant.
he said that he was not kid napp he ran away from her mum crying and he was try to stop the giant but he just push him away and said get lost but when they said where did the giant went the person said that he.
Went to town and he was just busting everything that coming his way but when her mother heard that he ran away she said i know where he is he is in my tree house it in town in 2/25 crorean Rd and the police.
Said fast fast fast we need to go when they got there they saw a big big bean and when the police climbed up he saw him crying and the police said that he found him and when he said to the giant you.
Said fast fast fast we need to go when they got there they saw a big big bean and when the police climbed up he saw him crying and the police said that he found him and when he said to the giant you.
Will be okay what happen then the giant said none of your business and he said okay it not but your mum is crying because of you what did you ran away he said that his dad didn’t want to talk to him.
He doesn't like to hear that and the police said where is your dad and the giant said at NEW ZEALAND and he said we a in NEW ZEALAND and he said in the other side but he doesn't know where.
Is he so the police said it is okay come to your mum so she know that you a okay then the giant said okay move back i can jump as far as i want then the police said okay go to your mum and we will follow you okay and the giant said okay then so when
Lanzie River
The problem was that they can’t drink water but when i watch this movie i feel like i was going to spui in front.
our class and it was sad as well but they should not chuck bodies to the river.
and rubbish and they should not wee in the river because it is just mean that you don’t really care about water.
they should just take wee in the ground but not in the river because that the only one thing for one of.
the problem and it is bad to hold you wee because you might get a kidney problem so that is just sad and on.
problem is that they frew rubbish and drink the same water that they.
wee poo and spu and you might get disease and that mean that you might die and they know that.
they will die so that why they don’t want to drink water but just drink or maybe they should drink beer.
that the only thing that they should do but that what i thoust but the only thing is that they should.
save money to go to NZ AUS that the only thing but that the thing what i am going to do if that was me and.
you get to drink if the NZ plani come to InDia and you can drink water and that is a good thing but they.
only thing is that you will never see you friends again and what if you miss them and you want to go back to you country or you.
should work for it to get money and they should call their friends that they will pay them to come to NZ or AUS and that a good thing to do.
WATER problem they should not frew dead body to the river and to don’t chuck rubbish if you a going to do.
but just dig it and put it in a hole and put it there or just get a plastic bag. and put your rubbish there i.
hope this doesn't come to NZ and i will be so so disated if that happen.
but likely that NZ people helps us to keep us safe and i thank them for that and i am so health because of them.
Lanzie writing about the Doll
I creeped into the door of unknown house that a doll just look just the same as me but i try to open the door but. It still won’t open but when i pick up a snow and chuck it to the door and then i walk away when i look back. It was open and then i went inside and look where was the doll but it was gone and then when i look. Back and a man was behind me i was shocked he didn’t talk to me he lift me up and then chuck. Me into the window the i wouldn't walk i know that i was a doll. Then i saw the men laughing at me i tried to talk but i can’t then i was crying he was changed into another doll.Then when i saw all the other doll they were just the same as the other doll.
It the ends of the world ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhha
I creeped into the door i saw a person who look just the same as me so when i flowed him he went to the fish a chip shop and when i flowing him i saw my mum but he was going to the person who was in the fish and chip shop so i ran to him and punch him in the stomach and he said welcome home and he grabbed me and put me on his bag where dolls just look the same as me so i tried to scream but i can’t and i know that i was a doll so i didn’t say anything.
Monday, 10 April 2017
There was a boy who really like to watch transformers but he wish to see a really one so they can save the plant because there was exzone who want to own the earth and kill human so they can do anything with it but when he was dreaming his dad who passed away about two years ago said to his dream.
you wish had come true go outside in your backyard and you will see bum bee optimus prime and the weapon expert so he woke up and went to the back yard there was nothing but his stepdad said what was he doing outside but he didn’t want to say anything he just walked inside.
But his step dad said if he get a A + he would get a car so the boy ran to school and told the teacher that he want to go first so he can so he amazing stuff when his grandfather when he first saw exzone and he made the robot live so the teacher said what was your grandfather all ways tell you the untrue story but the boy said it is true if you want to come to my house you will see him face with exzone.
They didn’t talk so the bell ring and they all ran threw the door to go home but the boy went to the teacher and said how was it and the teacher said maybe a b minus and he said what so he said can you see my step father over there he said if i get a A + he will buy me a car but if you give me a B minus he will just kick me out and just please give me A + so the teacher feel really sad about him.
So he said to him fine here is A+ but it doesn't mean that i love you but it is just for your dad because he was my teacher here so the boy ran to his step dad and hope in the car and said yes i got A+ Where a we going to buy a car so his dad said just sit and look where a we going so he went to a expensive car shop and then the boy said a you going to kiding me and the dad said yes but we.
Not going to buy you this car we a going to PPS it mean it is the chepas shop ever but there was a yellow can with black strip but the boy didn’t know yet that it was a transformers he only know that it was a normal so his dad said to the men how much for the car he sad $400 dollar and his dad said okay then i will take it so he said
I creeped into the door of unknown house that a doll just look just the same as me but i try to open the door but. It still won’t open but when i pick up a snow and chuck it to the door and then i walk away when i look back. It was open and then i went inside and look where was the doll but it was gone and then when i look. Back and a man was behind me i was shocked he didn’t talk to me he lift me up and then chuck. Me into the window the i wouldn't walk i know that i was a doll. Then i saw the men laughing at me i tried to talk but i can’t then i was crying he was changed into another doll.Then when i saw all the other doll they were just the same as the other doll.
It the ends of the world ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhha
Why people need to drink water
Remember the T.I.I.C structure.
Title - What you will be explaining
Introduction - Tell your audience what the topic is about and what is to be explained.
Information - Explain the elements or steps in a logical sequence
Conclusion - Final summarising statement, an evaluation or comment about what you have explained.
Why People Need to Drink Water
Water? People over the world need to drink water. People are often drinking fizzy drinks every now and then. Athletes like to drink a lot of water and over fills there body with water. When babies are still in their mums stomach 75%hjfhjd of water is in there bodys. When babies have their first birthday they drop from 75% to 65% of water in there bodys
1st element
Prevents cancer -
.breast cancer
.colon cancer
.flush bad cancer
2nd element
Helps your brain
. It helps you to do your learning
. It helps you to do the right thing
. It helps you to cross trate
3rd element
Help headaches -
. it helps you with your anger management
. It helps you to calm down
I leant that water has a cycle and that cycle goes over and over again
About water= Water is great for you because it help you with your work and your attitude to other thing is great for is to run and when you and thirsty you can drink water and that mean
Lanzie Sea turtle
Sea turtles live for about 80 years and they always buried their eggs into a sand so they can protect the eggs from eagles sharks and they might get wash out from the sea.When they are born they go to the sea and they see what the earth looks like and they will get use to it so they can protect them self without their mum Defending them. So the female can lay eggs about 50 or 200 eggs and then she covered them from sea eagles and dog and shark and it takes about six weeks that the eggs will hatch and 50 percent of them didn’t hatch and the other 50 percent hatch and they want to go around and see how it feels like to swim around.
So When they hatch the have to take time to grow up as to an adult so shark and dogs can’t eat the and the sheals are really really hard to bite and it will break. Their teeth into are little piece but they have to wait for 20 years to be an adult it is like human when you are born you're not one yet but you have to wait. And you will be 1 years old so it is life so when you a 20 years old you can do anything you want because nobody will come and harm you and it will be the same as the turtle.
They live for 80 years but the can lay eggs for 20 years so they can live more longer as human but only if human a healthy the can live for 80 years but when the live for 80 years they can do something like just swimming around and enjoy it so they might die so the can hang out with friends but when they die they buried them.
So hundred of them might die from shark and they a really good to get but they only wait when it is dark cause they born to know what to do and the people turn of the light so the turtle might go to the road but not the sea so they turn of the street light and let the moon come out and so where is the sea.I hope you enjoy my turtle story.
Kindly Regards
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