In the weekend me and Alex went to my house it was so cool when we were walking to my house we went and play some games we were playing wwe when we were play Alex lost from Alex and he was so angry that he. Didn't want to play anymore the Alex told me to go to his house because he has are jumpline that we can play wwe in there so when we were play i i told Alex which player do you want to be.The Brock Lesnar and i will be John cena and Alex said yes of course so when we start playing i told my brother to play the john cena song so he can walk into the jumpline He said come on i am the man and his brother turn the song of and then Alex told my brother to do the. Brock Lesnar song and then Alex brother said i like him.So when he start the muice Alex walked like are men and i said stop walking like a men because your not one and Alex said shh because it is a wwe match not are talking matching okay and Alex said okay then let go then hurry up. So Lanzie told Alex let start now and i said a you ready and Alex said yes and Alex said fight and we were fighting and i told Alex That he is gonna do his move but Lanzie said to me that he is gonna do his move to me and we start doing our move and when Alex got my leg. He did his sleep move and i try to say get of me.But i try my best to set up but i said to myself i can do it then i went slowly up and chuck ALex to the floor and Alex said damen. You that hurt the alex said get up get up and Alex get up and he lift him up and chuck him to the floor and Alex was sleeping sleeping and he count to 3 and he won the game and Alex woke up and said no and my mum came and pick me up in the right time and went home.
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