
Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Immersion Assembly

In the first day of school we had are  Immersion assembly Miss Nua was tells about her life and then it was team 1 turn there are learning about there favourite thing. Miss George Like  Hokey Pokey and Chocolate.

 Miss Lal Likes soccer and there class Miss Wild like her puppy and her class and he puppy's name is called jodey.

 Then it was Team 2 turn they were learning about season but Miss Nalder said that Miss Eadie is doing Winter and Miss Tumahi is learning about  summer and Miss Szymanik is doing spring and Miss Nalder is doing Autumn.

  Then it was Team 3 turn up next Miss King said that they are Building stuff and some of them are doing painting and  drawing and some of them are Building some big ones that the how class can sit on so this is the Teacher in Team 3 name  Miss King and Miss Squires and Mr Moran and Miss Belt and Miss Davis it was awesome to see the movie.

  It was Team 4 Turn I was so Excited that they were up next Because that was my old teacher when Mr Somerville said that they were learning about comic books and being are super man and Bat man he said that some of them are painting and some of them are doing choc and some of them are gonna draw are super hero that doesn't exist and then they said that all.

 Then it was Team 5 Turn  and i was so are  joyful, and Miss Tele'a  was HineMoana and Miss Berry was Te Aurere and  Miss Garden was Hokule'a and Miss Miss Sadler was Was Hikianalia and Miss Clark Was talking about them and when Miss Tele'a said hi i am HineMoana.

  Me and Christian gloom as hard as we can me and Christian said that maybe that  Hinemoana is gonna win When Miss Clark said go they all start running and Hinemoana was coming first and then Hokule'a push Hinemoana and then she can first and then i said what the hell.

I thought that Hinemoana was gonna win but Hokulea won and then it was finished and then Miss Tele'a said that Team 5 is Learning about the 4 waka and she said that the year 1 to 6 to come and visit us to show them what are we learning about  and that all.

Then it was time to go back to class i said to Christian that i heard this song before and then i said this is cool then we went back to class when we sing.

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