Pt England Beach - Mālama Honua
Yesterday we went to Pt England beach we were gonna see the boat but we saw the big boat when we were waiting we saw the little one coming in the side and i said look the little one is coming slowly. When we were seeing it float but when they stop i saw a string that people were helping her to put it down so the boat can t go anywhere but the bout did not move and are white boat were coming with people and we were doing the haka and when they hope out they were looking at us when we were sing it again for the people how didn't hear it we were sing as hard we can when all of them were finished we did a Maori song when we were finished they did are haka our a song when they were finished they were talking about them how they travel around when they were finished we sing a song again and when we were sing they were learn jt when they were sing with us they did there song and i try to learn it but i can't when mr burt said to Pt England school to come and shake their hands our huge them or hifi them when it was our turn to hifi we were running when I said nice to meet you i ran and keep say it over and over again when we were running I saw Mrs Garden and i went threw the step and we went back to class and eat our morning tea.
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