The Medal Winners
We found out last week that there are at least 17 sports at the Glasgow Commonwealth Games. So far New Zealand have won 27 medals. These include 8 gold medals, 8 silver medals and 11 bronze medals.
Task 1: In pairs go to website.
- Find the results tab
- click on find by country
- click on 2014 Commonwealth Games
- Choose one of the sports where a medal has been won
Task 2: In pairs make a written and illustrated presentation of this sport and the person or team which won the medal.
To consider:
- Profile of the sport
- Profile of the sports person/team
- images/video links to support your findings
Start your writing here:
The mens teams sprint is the event they raced in to win gold.
The 3 men in the team Sam Webster. Eddie Dawkins, Ethan Mitchell.